Monday 23 September 2013

"life unworthy of life"...

"  Eugenicists considered epilepsy an inherited disorder, and many states sterilized epileptics to prevent its spread. This was another of the eugenicists' misinformed stands — epilepsy's causes are still not fully understood..."

"Aktion T 4," the Nazi euthanasia program to eliminate "life unworthy of life"...Patients had to be reported if they suffered from schizophrenia, epilepsy..."

"The Nazi regime in Germany from 1933 to 1945 waged a veritable war throughout Europe to eliminate neurologic disease from the gene pool. Fueled by eugenic policies on racial hygiene, the Nazis first undertook a sterilization campaign against "mental defectives," which included neurologic patients with epilepsy and other disorders, as well as psychiatric patients. From 1939-41 the Nazis instead resorted to "euthanasia" of many of the same patients. Some neuroscientists were collaborators in this program, using patients for research, or using extracted brains following their murder...";jsessionid=W57SSfOoGE7s1yrdvgNR.26
 Eugenics / Psychosurgery 
"We need a program of psychosurgery for political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated. ...  Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electronically control the brain..." - José Manuel Rodriguez Delgado, Spanish professor of physiology at Yale University

"He chose patients who were "desperately ill patients whose disorders had resisted all previous treatments" and implanted electrodes in about 25 of them. Most of these patients were either schizophrenics or epileptics."

 "...Psychosurgery, also called neurosurgery for mental disorder (NMD), is the neurosurgical treatment of mental disorder. It was introduced in 1930s and has a controversial history; Portuguese neurologist Egas Moniz is usually credited with being the originator of psychosurgery...Psychosurgery is a collaboration between psychiatrists and neurosurgeons. During the operation...a small piece of brain is destroyed or removed... interest in the neurosurgical treatment of mental illness is shifting from ablative psychosurgery to deep brain stimulation (DBS) where the aim is to stimulate areas of the brain with implanted electrodes."

"Traces of Eugenic Thought in the Work of Egas Moniz... the language of eugenics was present in his work and allowed for connections between the sexual sciences, neo-Malthusianism and medical hygiene."
 "... O autor revela que o peso do apoio da delegação brasileira no 1º Congresso  Internacional de Psicocirurgia, realizado em Lisboa – que foi responsável da moção que reconhecia o merecimento do Prémio para Egas Moniz –, terá sido de grande importância na decisão final..."
"Egas Moniz e a História da Psicocirurgia, A. J. Gonçalves Ferreira...
...Nos próximos anos se verá se estes novos procedimentos Psicocirúrgicos, com a sua elevada precisão e reversibilidade de efeitos, comprovam ser tão fecundos e seguros como parecem ser nestes primeiros passos. Outros estudos, ainda experimentais, pretendem testar novos alvos e diferentes tipos de Neuromodulação para tratar outras afecções: epilepsia, depressão grave, dor crónica. Afinal a Psicocirurgia, cujos princípios mantêm a sua validade apesar do ostracismo a que foram votados durante décadas, parece hoje renascer das cinzas. O enorme progresso científico entretanto registado e as técnicas inovadoras que não cessam de surgir podem impulsionar de novo a Psicocirurgia para a vanguarda da Medicina do século XXI. E confirmar assim a genialidade do legado de Egas Moniz."
 "A História do Brasil compreende, tradicionalmente, o período desde a chegada dos portugueses até os dias atuais...O período compreendido entre o Descobrimento do Brasil em 1500, (chamado pelos portugueses de Achamento do Brasil), até a Independência do Brasil, é chamado, no Brasil, de Período Colonial...."
"Durante décadas, milhares de pacientes foram internados à força, sem diagnóstico de doença mental, num enorme hospício na cidade de Barbacena, em Minas Gerais. Ali foram torturados, violentados e mortos sem que ninguém se importasse com seu destino. Eram apenas epilépticos, alcoólatras, homossexuais, prostitutas, meninas grávidas pelos patrões, mulheres confinadas pelos maridos, moças que haviam perdido a virgindade antes do casamento. Ninguém ouvia seus gritos...Morriam também de choque. Às vezes os eletrochoques eram tantos e tão fortes, que a sobrecarga derrubava a rede do município...No início dos anos 60, depois de conhecer a Colônia, o fotógrafo Luiz Alfredo, da revista O Cruzeiro, desabafou com o chefe: “Aquilo é um assassinato em massa”. Em 1979, o psiquiatra italiano Franco Basaglia, pioneiro da luta pelo fim dos manicômios que também visitou a Colônia, declarou numa coletiva de imprensa: “Estive hoje num campo de concentração nazista. Em lugar nenhum do mundo, presenciei uma tragédia como essa”."
The idea of Eugenics were to make charts of families that were considered having problems by hereditary...example:

"The Ice Pick Lobotomist: Dr. Walter Freeman"...the Kennedy´s chart...

"Psychosurgery...The first significant foray into psychosurgery in the twentieth century was conducted by the Portuguese neurologist Egas Moniz who during the mid-1930s developed the operation known as leucotomy. The practice was enthusiastically taken up in the United States by the neuropsychiatrist Walter Freeman and the neurosurgeon James W. Watts who devised what became the standard prefrontal procedure and named their operative technique lobotomy, although the operation was called leucotomy in the United Kingdom."

Walter Jackson Freeman II, M.D. (November 14, 1895 – May 31, 1972) was an American physician who specialized in lobotomy. He was a member of the American Psychiatric Association...Working in the field of medicine ran in his family and his grandfather, William Williams Keen, was well known as a surgeon in the Civil War. His father was also a very successful doctor. Freeman attended Yale University, which at the time was Yale College, beginning in 1912 and graduated with his undergraduate degree in 1916. He then moved on to study neurology at the University of Pennsylvania Medical School. On November 12, 1935, a new psychosurgery procedure was performed in Portugal under the direction of the neurologist and physician Egas Moniz.[6] His new “leucotomy” procedure was used to treat patients with mental illness. Moniz became a mentor and idol for Freeman who modified the procedure renaming it the “lobotomy".

One of the things that eugenics made for families were pedigree charts example having a president with mental health problems running in the family in the USA was for some not the ideal so..."John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, was assassinated at 12:30 p.m. Central Standard Time (18:30 UTC) on Friday, November 22, 1963, in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas." also is brother  Robert Francis "Bobby" Kennedy, was assassinated both death circumstances surrounding by  conspiracy theories.

Few knows that  Rosemary Kennedy, the sister of John F. Kennedy, was lobotomized by "The Ice Pick Lobotomist: Dr. Walter Freeman"...:

"Dr. Freeman himself performed between 3,500 and 5,000 of them. He called lobotomies "soul surgery"...One of Freeman's most famous failures was the sister of a president. In 1941, Rosemary Kennedy, the sister of John F. Kennedy, was lobotomized at the age of 23. Rosemary was described as a shy and easygoing child, but in her teenage years, she became rebellious and moody. A doctor suggested that a lobotomy could calm Rosemary down. At the time, Freeman had only performed about 60 lobotomies and hadn't yet created his transorbital technique, so he performed a prefrontal lobotomy.
The operation did make Rosemary more manageable, because she was essentially left with the mental capacity of an infant. She couldn't speak intelligibly or control some bodily functions, and she stared into space for hours. Rosemary spent the rest of her life in an institution..."

But the question is if eugenics was in vogue how could someone with a history family of mental illness be in 1ª instance a president of a country? Maybe to raise hopes, to be assassinated, to sent a subliminal message and to induce a mental state in people of FEAR...when everybody was expecting a new time of freedom and their leader is killed people get depressed without hope, they join groups (religious, radicals...), they search alternatives in drugs...

Dr. Freeman failed with Rosemary who others failed with her brothers...

John Kennedy:

" Lee Harvey Oswald October 18, 1939 – November 24, 1963) was, according to four government investigations, the sniper who assassinated John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963....

Lee Harvey Oswald was born in New Orleans, Louisiana on October 18, 1939...Oswald attended the 7th grade in the Bronx, New York but was often truant, which led to a psychiatric assessment at a juvenile reformatory. The reformatory psychiatrist, Dr. Renatus Hartogs, described Oswald as immersed in a "vivid fantasy life, turning around the topics of omnipotence and power, through which [Oswald] tries to compensate for his present shortcomings and frustrations." Dr. Hartogs detected a "personality pattern disturbance with schizoid features and passive-aggressive tendencies" and recommended continued treatment..."

Robert Kennedy:

" Sirhan Bishara Sirhan (Arabic: سرحان بشارة سرحان‎, Sirḥān Bishārah Sirḥān; born March 19, 1944) is a Palestinian with Jordanian citizenship who was convicted for the assassination of United States Senator Robert F. Kennedy. He is serving a life sentence at Pleasant Valley State Prison in Coalinga, California.

Sirhan's defense counsel, which included Attorney Grant Cooper, had hoped to demonstrate that the killing had been an impulsive act of a man with a mental deficiency..."

"District Attorney Evelle Younger, armed with a psychiatric evaluation of Sirhan that provided clear indications of mental disorder, readily accepted the defence plea of guilty to first-degree murder in return for a promise of life imprisonment. "

Sunday 22 September 2013

Electro...compulsive... therapy

"Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), formerly known as electroshock, is a controversial psychiatric treatment in which seizures are electrically induced...
 Electroconvulsive therapy can differ in its application in three ways: electrode placement, frequency of treatments, and the electrical waveform of the stimulus.
...There is usually a risk of memory loss with ECT.
... In the United Kingdom, around a third of patients who are receiving ECT haven't consented to it...
...As early as the 16th century, agents to produce seizures were used to treat psychiatric conditions. In 1785, the therapeutic use of seizure induction was documented in the London Medical Journal. Convulsive therapy was introduced in 1934 by Hungarian neuropsychiatrist Ladislas J. Meduna...
...Italian Professor of neuropsychiatry Ugo Cerletti, who had been using electric shocks to produce seizures in animal experiments, 1937, experimented for the first time on a person... Cerletti had noted a shock to the head produced convulsions in dogs. The idea to use electroshock on humans came to ...

...By 1940, the procedure was introduced to both England and the US. In Germany and Austria it was promoted by Friedrich Meggendorfer. Through the 1940s and 1950s, the use of ECT became widespread.

In the early 1940s, in an attempt to reduce the memory disturbance and confusion associated with treatment, two modifications were introduced: the use of unilateral electrode placement and the replacement of sinusoidal current with brief pulse...

In the 1940s and early 1950s ECT was usually given in "unmodified" form, without muscle relaxants, and the seizure resulted in a full-scale convulsion.

...Recent research has investigated whether implantable devices such as those used in DBS (deep brain stimulation) could result in clinical improvements for patients with treatment-resistant depression...

It is the purported effects of ECT on long-term memory that give rise to much of the concern surrounding its use. The acute effects of ECT can include amnesia, both retrograde (for events occurring before the treatment) and anterograde (for events occurring after the treatment).

The use of either constant or pulsing electrical impulses also varied the memory loss results in patients...

According to the researchers, "Subjects who had received remote ECT had further impairment on a variety of learning and memory tests when compared with patients with no past ECT. June 2009, Portuguese researchers published a review on the safety and efficacy of ECT in an article entitled, Electroconvulsive Therapy: Myths and Evidences. In their review, the researchers conclude that ECT is an "efficient, safe:

Electroconvulsive therapy: myths and evidences

Hospital de Santa Maria, Lisboa

Maria Luisa Figueira is Professor of Psychiatry, and Director of the Department of Psychiatry at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon. Figueira is also Head of the Psychiatric Department, Hospital Santa Maria in Lisbon.

"...Breggin accuses Max Fink and other pro-ECT researchers of having a history of "systematically covering up damage done to millions of [ECT] patients throughout the world...Breggin writes, "Even when these injured people can continue to function on a superficial social basis, they nonetheless suffer devastation of their identities due to the obliteration of key aspects of their personal lives. The loss of the ability to retain and learn new material is not only humiliating and depressing but also disabling. Even when relatively subtle, these activities can disrupt routine activities of living."

Peter Breggin, a psychiatrist, has published books and journal reviews of the literature purporting to show that ECT routinely causes brain damage as evidenced by a considerable list of studies in humans and animals. In particular, Breggin asserts that animal and human autopsy studies have shown that ECT routinely causes 'widespread pinpoint hemorrhages and scattered cell death.' (STROKES/AVC ????)

The placement of electrodes, as well as the dose and duration of the stimulation is determined on a per-patient basis.
Both electrodes can be placed on the same side of the patient's head. This is known as unilateral ECT. Unilateral ECT is used first to minimize side effects (memory loss). When electrodes are placed on both sides of the head, this is known as bilateral ECT...
The electrodes deliver an electrical stimulus. The stimulus levels recommended for ECT are in excess of an individual's seizure threshold...

In a letter to the editor published in the Washington Post in December, 2000, registered nurse Barbara C. Cody wrote that her life was forever changed by 13 outpatient ECTs she received in 1983. She wrote,
"Shock 'therapy' totally and permanently disabled me. EEGs [electroencephalograms] verify the extensive damage shock did to my brain. Fifteen to 20 years of my life were simply erased; only small bits and pieces have returned. I was also left with short-term memory impairment and serious cognitive deficits. ... Shock 'therapy' took my past, my college education, my musical abilities, even the knowledge that my children were, in fact, my children. I call ECT a rape of the soul."
Similarly, writer Johnanton Cott claims to have completely lost 15 years of memory in On the Sea of Memory: A Journey from Forgetting to Remembering.

Ernest Hemingway, American author, committed suicide shortly after ECT at the Mayo Clinic in 1961"

"Perforant pathway stimulation (PPS) is used to study temporal lobe epilepsy in rodents. High-frequency PPS induces acute seizures, which can lead to neuron death and spontaneous epilepsy."

"   The hippocampus is perhaps the most studied structure in the brain. together with the adjacent Amygdyla, it forms the central axis of the Limbic System. It is critical to spatial learning and awareness, navigation, episodic/event memory, associational recollection .... and much more...The perforant path is the major input to the hippocampus."
My question is can these diseases may have induced them to you through Electroconvulsive therapy with a tiny stimulator like the BION, that can be injected...??

..."In a person with Parkinson's disease, these nerve cells are damaged and do not work as well as they should..."

..."The gradual loss of brain function that characterizes Alzheimer's disease seems to be due to two main forms of nerve damage..."

..."Dementia involves damage of nerve cells in the brain, which may occur in several areas of the brain..."
O choque elétrico é um estímulo rápido no corpo humano, ocasionado pela passagem da corrente elétrica

Electric shock is a rapid stimulation in the human body caused by the passage of electric current
Wireless implantable micro-stimulation...
"Although deep brain stimulation (DBS) has been proven to be an effective treatment for several neuropsychiatric disorders, such as Parkinson's disease, the underlying working mechanisms are still largely unknown. Behavioral animal models are essential in examining the working mechanisms of DBS and especially mouse models are necessary to investigate the genetic component underlying specific behaviors related to psychiatric diseases....In order to overcome this limitation we have developed a new light-weight wireless implantable micro stimulator device for mice that delivers biphasic pulse patterns to two individual electrode pairs, mimicking partly the clinical situation.
... This newly designed device can now be used in the highly needed DBS behavioral studies in mice, to further
investigate the underlying mechanisms of DBS in behavioral animal models for psychiatric disorders."

Explain me as if I were a child...they are putting micro implants in mice for studying psychiatric disorders? hmm ... and are they also studying humans to see what they usually bite?

"The implantable microstimulator system is designed to help patients with neurological disorders and muscular impairments like Parkinson's, stroke and urinary incontinence.

The microstimulator system, like the refurbished nervous system proposed by Bester, is implanted near nerves, and emits electrical micropulses that stimulate muscles and nerves. These systems have been in use for more than a decade; the Bion microstimulator is a miniature, self-contained neurostimulator. A significant difference is that the actual system uses microstimulators that are self-contained; Bester's fictional system requires that all of the stimulators be interconnected and powered from a single source."
"The University of Florida is seeking a company interested in commercializing a closedloop neuroprosthetic microstimulation device for treating epileptic seizures...."

"New lithium battery technology developed by UW-Madison emeritus professor of chemistry Robert West powers this tiny microstimulator, a device that effectively jump-starts broken nerve connections in conditions like Parkinson's, epilepsy and incontinence. "

"The BION devices: injectable interfaces with peripheral
nerves and muscles...Miniature wireless stimulators received power and individually addressed command signals from an external radiofrequency transmission coil. One or more implants were injected through a 12-gauge hypodermic insertion tool into muscles or adjacent to motor nerves, where they provided the means to activate the muscles in any desired pattern of intensity and frequency...."
"Brain electrodes were inserted into the skulls of babies in 1946 without the knowledge of their parents.  In the 1950s and 60s, electrical implants were inserted into the brains of animals and humans, especially in the U.S., during research into behavior modification, and brain and body functioning."  By Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, MD Former Chief Medical Officer of Finland
December 6, 2000"

 So if a baby is inserted with a electrical implant when born...radiations can cause after a long exposure seizures (for example) then this seizures will take him to medication, surgeries...research...other diseases like strokes, diabetes...the same cicle....and after when older Parkinson, dementia...????

Nerve Pain and Nerve Damage...

“Some side effects of radio frequencies on the body:
  • Tiredness
  • Feeling sick (nauseous, vomit,..)
  • Eating and drinking
  • Skin care (vitiligo, change colours, itching, burning, soreness, peeling...)
  • Hair loss
  • Changes in your blood (leukopenia, anaemia, leukemia,..)
  • Possible long-term side effects (Problems thinking clearly, or managing tasks you previously found easy, Poor memory, Confusion, Personality changes...)
  • Infertility
  • Second cancers
  • Effects on the pituitary gland (hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism,...)
  • Second cancers (Radiotherapy can cause cancer,...)
  • Neurophaty – nerve damage (When just the ends of nerves (the "periphery") are affected, this is called peripheral neuropathy. Damaged sensory nerves do not accurately "sense" heat, cold, pressure, pain and body position.   When these nerve endings are damaged, a burning sensation is often experienced.  Damaged motor nerves do not accurately tell muscles to contract and move.  This is sometimes referred to as muscle/nerve damage...The nerve damage from radiation can cause facial drooping, loss of hearing, erectile dysfunction, infertility, and pain as well as mobility issues. It can also cause  'drop foot'...Nerve damage can happen anywhere in the body and the types of problems will come from the nerves that are damaged.)
  • and many more...”
Some scientific articles as example...:
Nerve Damage....

“Your nervous system is involved in everything your body does, from regulating your breathing to controlling your muscles and sensing heat and cold.

There are three types of nerves, or neurons, in the body:

1. Autonomic nerves. These nerves control the involuntary or partially voluntary activities of your body, including heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, and temperature regulation.

2. Motor nerves. These nerves control your movements and actions by passing information from your brain and spinal cord to your muscles.

3. Sensory nerves. These nerves relay information from your skin and muscles back to your spinal cord and brain. The information is then processed to let you feel pain and other sensations.
With nerve damage there can be a wide array of symptoms. Which ones you may have depends on the location and type of nerves that are affected. Damage can occur to nerves in your brain and spinal cord. It can also occur in the peripheral nerves, which are located throughout the rest of your body.

Autonomic nerve damage may produce the following symptoms:

· inability to sense chest pain, such as angina or heart attack
· too much sweating (known as hyperhidrosis) or too little sweating (known as anhidrosis)

· lightheadedness

· dry eyes and mouth

· constipation

· bladder dysfunction

· sexual dysfunction

Damage to motor nerves may produce the following symptoms:

· weakness

· muscle atrophy

· twitching, also known as fasciculation

· paralysis

Sensory nerve damage may produce the following symptoms:

· pain

· sensitivity

· numbness

· tingling or prickling

· burning

· problems with positional awareness"

consequences of nerve damage...

..."In a person with Parkinson's disease, these nerve cells are damaged and do not work as well as they should..."

..."The gradual loss of brain function that characterizes Alzheimer's disease seems to be due to two main forms of nerve damage..."

..."Dementia involves damage of nerve cells in the brain, which may occur in several areas of the brain..."
"Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease or CJD is a degenerative neurological disorder (brain disease) that is incurable and invariably fatal. CJD is at times called a human form of mad cow disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy or BSE)..."

"Brain Research and the Murder of the Sick...1937-..."

"...planners began in the autumn of 1939 to distribute carefully formulated questionnaires to all public health officials, public and private hospitals, mental institutions, and nursing homes for the chronically ill and aged. ...
The form's sinister purpose was suggested only by the emphasis which the questionnaire placed upon the patient's capacity to work and by the categories of patients which the inquiry required health authorities to identify: those suffering from schizophrenia, epilepsy, dementia, encephalitis, and other chronic psychiatric or neurological disorders; those not of German or "related" blood; the criminally insane or those committed on criminal grounds; and those who had been confined to the institution in question for more than five years. Secretly recruited "medical experts," physicians--many of them of significant reputation--worked in teams of three to evaluate the forms..."

"In Germany, during World War II, more than 120,000 handicapped children and adults were murdered for the convenience of the State. To gain scientific knowledge, the brains of many of these patients were examined by German neuropathologists."

"Heinrich Gross (14 November 1915 – 15 December 2005) was an Austrian psychiatrist, medical doctor and neurologist, a reputed expert as a leading court-appointed psychiatrist, ill-famed for his proven involvement in the killing of at least nine children with physical, mental and/or emotional/behavioral characteristics considered "unclean" by the Nazi regime..."

"Dr. Julius Hallervorden... was a neuropathologist at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Brain Research. He ordered hundreds of brains from the victims of the euthanasia project to be sent to him from the killing hospital, Brandenburg-Gorden (Annas   & Grodin, 1992)."

"Dr. Sigmund Rascher was a Luftwaffe captain as well as a doctor. He was in charge of many of the "military medical experiments" at Dachau including the hypothermia experiments (where 300 people were killed) and the high altitude experiments. He examined the brains of Jews after their skulls were split open (while fully conscious) to see the effects of high altitude on humans (Hackett, 1995)."

"Dr. Bruno Weber was the chief of the Hygienic Institute. Interested in the interactions between human blood types, he injected his patients with a variety of blood types to observe the effects. Weber took the blood from weak inmates or killed inmates by letting them bleed to death (Lifton, 1986).  He also gave patients various barbiturates and morphine derivatives to see if he could brain wash prisoners and use mind control (Lifton, 1986).

"Heinrich Gross, 84,...He was responsible for signing hundreds of death certificates.
The brains of those who died are still kept in preservation jars in the hospital's basement. Dr Gross is believed to have continued experimenting on them until recently. He was allowed to keep the body parts of many of the children in a private collection.
Until last year he was the second best-paid forensic doctor working in the legal system.

...Years later he spotted the doctor on television talking about electro-shock treatment."

Friday 20 September 2013

Prof. Dr. Mario Andrea...

"...médico Mário Andrea...Esta não é a primeira vez que o médico é investigado. Em 2009, Mário Andrea foi acusado de quebrar uma das regras essenciais da ética médica, suspeito de fazer testes clínicos à revelia dos doentes. A denúncia partiu do próprio Serviço de Otorrinolaringologia do Hospital de Santa Maria, através de um manifesto assinado por sete dos dez clínicos mais antigos do serviço. De acordo com o documento, os doentes eram "submetidos ciclicamente, sem estarem informados ou darem o seu consentimento, a técnicas em fase experimental e a registos de imagem, nomeada mente em fotografia e vídeo", que prolongavam "desnecessariamente os tempos, tanto cirúrgicos como anestesiológicos...

...Professor catedrático na Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa, Diretor do Serviço de Otorrinolaringologia, Voz e Perturbações da Comunicação do Hospital de Santa Maria. É um dos nomes mais relevantes do estudo da voz em Portugal. Venceu o Prémio de Honra da Academia Americana de Otorrinolaringologia, em 2000...

... Em 2005, é envolvido num caso polémico, que acaba por ser investigado pela PJ, devido a suspeitas de ter corroborado com um plagio de uma tese de doutoramento...."


"...the doctor Mario Andrea...This is not the first time the doctor is investigated. In 2009, Mario Andrea was accused of breaking one of the cardinal rules of medical ethics, suspected of doing clinical trials in absentia of patients. The complaint came from own Department of Otolaryngology, Hospital de Santa Maria, through a manifesto signed by seven of the ten older clinical service. According to the document,
patients were "subjected cyclically, without being informed or giving consent, to techniques in the experimental stage and imaging records, notably photography and video," which lengthen "unnecessarily times, both surgical and anesthesiologic ......Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon, Director of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Speech and Communication Disorders, of the Hospital Santa Maria. It is one of the most relevant names in the study of speech in Portugal. Won the Honor Award of the American Academy of Otolaryngology in 2000 ...

...In 2005, is involved in a controversial case, which turns out to be investigated by the PJ, on suspicion of having supported a plagiarism of a doctoral thesis .... "

"A poucos meses de se jubilar o mais antigo professor catedrático de Otorrinolaringologia da Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa Mário Andrea tornou se suspeito da prática de vários crimes para o Ministério Público e para a Polícia Judiciária A investigação é abrangente e vai verificar todas as suspeitas participação económica em negócio abuso de poder e violação da boa prática médica adiantou fonte judicial Ainda assim as suspeitas mais...

...Diretor há mais de 30 anos do Departamento de Otorrinolaringologia Voz e Perturbações da Comunicação do Hospital de Santa Maria"

Translation"A few months to be awarded the Professor of Otolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon Mario Andrea became the suspect of various crimes,Judicial Police Research will check all suspected economic participation business in abuse of power and breach of good medical practice judicial source said...

Director for over 30 years in the Department of Otolaryngology Voice and Communication Disorders, Hospital de Santa Maria."

"MESTRADO - Ciências do Sono  (master -sleep science)

Conselho de Mestrado (master supervision)Prof.ª Doutora Teresa Paiva (Coordenadora)-neurologist

...Prof. Doutor Mário Andrea..."

Thursday 19 September 2013

Deafness..."Crying hands"...

"Along with people diagnosed with schizophrenia, epilepsy, so-called feeblemindedness, hereditary blindness, severe hereditary physical deformity, severe alcoholism, and other ailments, the deaf were systematically turned in to local Nazi officials by teachers, nurses, social workers, and doctors. In most cases they were sterilized. Some were forced to abort pregnancies. Others were murdered...."  and others use for torture in research...and death...

and also the deaf are now experience again something similar to epileptics...auditory hallucinations...

"Do profoundly prelingually deaf patients with psychosis really hear voices?" 

"Prelingually profoundly deaf schizophrenic patients who hear voices: a phenomenological analysis."   ...

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Cardiac psychosis...

"There is an increase in the risk of heart attack if a first-degree relative (parent or sibling)..."
"Eugenics has also been concerned with the elimination of hereditary diseases..."
"Damage to the autonomic nervous system is a key predictor of cardiovascular risk, researcher Rianne Ravensbergen told the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress 2011, co-hosted by the Heart and Stroke Foundation and the Canadian Cardiovascular Society. "

"Injured heart tissue conducts electrical impulses more slowly than normal heart tissue...
The cardiac defibrillator is a device that was specifically designed to terminate these potentially fatal arrhythmias. The device works by delivering an electrical shock to the patient in order to depolarize a critical mass of the heart muscle, in effect "rebooting" the heart."

"Sleep deprivation consistently preceded onset of these symptoms..." - Postoperative psychosis after heart surgery   
Cerebral embolism and psychosis with special reference to cardiac surgery -
Psychotic reactions after cardiac surgery. A critical review -
Mental and neurological disorders associated with heart operations. Pre- and postoperative studies -
Postcardiotomy psychosis in non-English-speaking patients -
Psychiatric effects of cardiac surgery -
The hidden psychosis of open-heart surgery. With a note on the sense of awe -
Postcardiotomy psychosis: indications and interventions -