Sunday 22 September 2013

"Brain Research and the Murder of the Sick...1937-..."

"...planners began in the autumn of 1939 to distribute carefully formulated questionnaires to all public health officials, public and private hospitals, mental institutions, and nursing homes for the chronically ill and aged. ...
The form's sinister purpose was suggested only by the emphasis which the questionnaire placed upon the patient's capacity to work and by the categories of patients which the inquiry required health authorities to identify: those suffering from schizophrenia, epilepsy, dementia, encephalitis, and other chronic psychiatric or neurological disorders; those not of German or "related" blood; the criminally insane or those committed on criminal grounds; and those who had been confined to the institution in question for more than five years. Secretly recruited "medical experts," physicians--many of them of significant reputation--worked in teams of three to evaluate the forms..."

"In Germany, during World War II, more than 120,000 handicapped children and adults were murdered for the convenience of the State. To gain scientific knowledge, the brains of many of these patients were examined by German neuropathologists."

"Heinrich Gross (14 November 1915 – 15 December 2005) was an Austrian psychiatrist, medical doctor and neurologist, a reputed expert as a leading court-appointed psychiatrist, ill-famed for his proven involvement in the killing of at least nine children with physical, mental and/or emotional/behavioral characteristics considered "unclean" by the Nazi regime..."

"Dr. Julius Hallervorden... was a neuropathologist at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Brain Research. He ordered hundreds of brains from the victims of the euthanasia project to be sent to him from the killing hospital, Brandenburg-Gorden (Annas   & Grodin, 1992)."

"Dr. Sigmund Rascher was a Luftwaffe captain as well as a doctor. He was in charge of many of the "military medical experiments" at Dachau including the hypothermia experiments (where 300 people were killed) and the high altitude experiments. He examined the brains of Jews after their skulls were split open (while fully conscious) to see the effects of high altitude on humans (Hackett, 1995)."

"Dr. Bruno Weber was the chief of the Hygienic Institute. Interested in the interactions between human blood types, he injected his patients with a variety of blood types to observe the effects. Weber took the blood from weak inmates or killed inmates by letting them bleed to death (Lifton, 1986).  He also gave patients various barbiturates and morphine derivatives to see if he could brain wash prisoners and use mind control (Lifton, 1986).

"Heinrich Gross, 84,...He was responsible for signing hundreds of death certificates.
The brains of those who died are still kept in preservation jars in the hospital's basement. Dr Gross is believed to have continued experimenting on them until recently. He was allowed to keep the body parts of many of the children in a private collection.
Until last year he was the second best-paid forensic doctor working in the legal system.

...Years later he spotted the doctor on television talking about electro-shock treatment."

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