Sunday 6 October 2013

An "excuse" to symptoms of the Implanted ...Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease...

"Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease or CJD is a degenerative neurological disorder (brain disease) that is incurable and invariably fatal. CJD is at times called a human form of mad cow disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy or BSE)... 
....The first symptom of CJD is rapidly progressive dementia, leading to memory loss, personality changes and hallucinations. Other frequently occurring features include anxiety, depression, paranoia, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, and psychosis. This is accompanied by physical problems such as speech impairment, jerky movements (myoclonus), balance and coordination dysfunction (ataxia), changes in gait, rigid posture, and seizures. The symptoms of CJD are caused by the progressive death of the brain's nerve cells, which is associated with the build-up of abnormal prion proteins forming amyloids...

...The defective protein can be transmitted by...electrode implants...

"Percutaneously injectable fetal pacemaker: electrodes, mechanical design and implantation..."

"The BION devices: injectable interfaces with peripheral
nerves and muscles...Miniature wireless stimulators received power and individually addressed command signals from an external radiofrequency transmission coil. One or more implants were injected through a 12-gauge hypodermic insertion tool into muscles or adjacent to motor nerves, where they provided the means to activate the muscles in any desired pattern of intensity and frequency...."

"The early psychiatric symptoms ...Aggression, insomnia, depression and visual and auditory hallucinations may also occur..."[2]_Calvet_Psychosis_after_epilepsy_surgery.pdf - Psychosis after epilepsy surgery: Report of three cases  - Schizophrenia-like psychosis arising de novo following a temporal lobectomy: timing and risk factors  - Are psychotic symptoms related to vagus nerve stimulation in epilepsy patients? - Vagus nerve stimulation and psychosis. A single case report - Acute psychosis and EEG normalisation after vagus nerve stimulation

"We present the second variant Creutzfeldt-Jacob patient in the same district of Northwest Portugal. A 14-year-old ...The patient never travelled outside Portugal or received blood transfusions. She had surgical herniorrhafy in 1998 (when catgut was used) and 2003. This is the second case in Portugal in a 2-year period and 20 Km apart from each other, with no known common exposure besides cow meat ingestion. We discuss these case peculiarities and underline its epidemiological significance..."

"Eight patients at a New Hampshire hospital may have been exposed to a rare, fatal brain disease from surgery equipment that was used on a patient who likely had the incurable disease, state health officials said Wednesday...The patients underwent brain surgery at Catholic Medical Center in Manchester...
....A similar incident happened in 2004 at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, where staffers notified 98 brain and spine surgery patients that they may have been exposed to the rare disease after one surgery patient was diagnosed with Creutzfeldt-Jakob."

"Surgery Linked to Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, According to Spanish Study...A new study spearheaded by Spanish scientists demonstrates a causal relationship between the onset of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), caused by a protein called a prion, and general surgery...The finding, published recently in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, reveals that, with a few exceptions, the risk of having contracted the sporadic form of CJD manifests itself at least 20 years after having undergone an operation."

"A Doença de Creutzfeldt-Jakob (DCJ) é uma desordem cerebral caracterizada por perda de memória, tremores, desordem na marcha, postura rígida e ataques epilépticos, e paralisia facial que dá a impressão de que a pessoa está sempre sorrindo (contração muscular involuntária) devida a uma rápida perda de células cerebrais causada por uma proteína transmissível chamada príon.

...A DCJ Clássica se apresenta em diversas formas...pela utilização de implantes (enxertos de córnea ou de dura-máter, por exemplo). Neste caso, ocorre uma invasão do corpo do paciente por um príon externo a ele...

...Em 1996 pesquisadores e o governo britânico reconheceram a existência de um novo tipo de CJD... porque atinge pacientes muito mais jovens, normalmente em torno de vinte anos e pela ocorrência, no início da síndrome, de sintomas sensoriais e psiquiátricos..."

"Despacho n.º 4520/2001(2.ª série), do Gabinete da Ministra, de 05 de Março:
O Programa de Vigilância Epidemiológica das Doenças Humanas por Priões tem como objectivo central a pesquisa activa e o estudo das doenças humanas por priões, nomeadamente as variantes da doença neurológica de Creutzfeldt-Jacob, através de uma rede de instituições hospitalares e científicas para gestão de informação especializada e normalizada, em
– O Programa é gerido por uma unidade de gestão, constituída pelas seguintes personalidades:
Prof. Doutor José Guilherme de Brito Cortez Pimentel, assistente hospitalar de neurologia e neuropatologia e professor agregado da Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa, que coordena.
Dr. António Carlos Viana Lima da Costa, assistente hospitar de neuropatologia do Hospital de Egas Moniz (Lisboa).

Dr.ª Carla Cristina Paulo Gabriel Bentes, interna complementar de neurologia do Hospital de Santa Maria (Lisboa).
Dr. José Carlos Marinho Falcão, chefe de serviços de saúde pública do Instituto Nacional de Saúde Dr. Ricardo Jorge.
3 – São membros associados do Programa:
Prof.ª Doutora Catarina Resende de Oliveira, professora catedrática da Faculdade de Medicina de Coimbra e chefe de serviço de neurologia dos Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra.
Prof.ª Doutora Maria Teresa de Aguiar dos Santos Paiva, professora auxiliar agregada da Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa e chefe de serviços de neurologia do Hospital de Santa Maria (Lisboa).
Dr. Álvaro de Ascenção Brás de Almeida, assistente graduado de radiologia do Hospital de Santa Maria (Lisboa).
Dr.ª Maria Paula Pinto Martins Cyrne Pacheco, assistente principal do Instituto Nacional de Saúde Dr. Ricardo Jorge.
4 – O coordenador do Programa pode:...Convidar especialistas para integrarem o Programa como membros associados;
5 – O Programa tem sede no Laboratório de Neuropatologia do Serviço de Neurologia do Hospital de Santa Maria..."

"Sintomas motores e psiquiátricos
...foi confirmada por um laboratório português de neuropatologia – em Portugal, só há três laboratórios do género, no Hospital de Santa Maria, em Lisboa, nos Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra e no hospital de São joão, no Porto. ..Segundo o professor José Pimentel, um dos maiores especialistas portugueses na doença de Creutzfeldt-Jakob, os primeiros sintomas são “dificuldade na marcha por lesão do cerebelo, movimentos involuntários esquisitos (tiques) ou dores específicas em zonas do corpo”. Associados a estes, podem existir também “sintomas psiquiátricos, como depressão sem motivo aparente”. A demência é inevitável, “mas na maioria dos casos surge já numa fase tardia da doença”... grupo internacional de especialistas que se debruça sobre a Creutzfeldt-Jacob e que se reúne periodicamente em vários países."


"was confirmed by a laboratory of neuropathology Portuguese - Portugal, there are only three laboratories of its kind in the Hospital Santa Maria in Lisbon, in the Coimbra University Hospitals and Hospital São Joao, Porto. .....According to Professor José Pimentel, a leading expert in Portuguese Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, the first symptoms are "in the gait of cerebellar lesion, bizarre involuntary movements (tics) or pain in specific areas of the body." Associated with these, there may also be "psychiatric symptoms, as depression for no apparent reason. "Dementia is inevitable, "but in most cases already appears at a late stage of the disease" ...
... an international group of experts that focuses on the Creutzfeldt-Jacob and which meets periodically in various countries. "

Saturday 5 October 2013

Hospital Universitário de Santa Maria - Lisbon...

At least two cases have happened, if there are more cases even if regarding other types of surgeries we expect to be disclosed...

Two girls under 30 years whose single health problem regarding the neurologic part was epilepsy.

They had epilepsy for years, medication was not working and they were sent to a epilepsy surgery in the University Hospital de Santa Maria in Lisbon, a affiliated Hospital of the University of Lisbon.

Before the surgery several exams have been developed to attest epilepsy, and the physical and mental health good conditions of patients.
Epilepsy surgery
  • Country: Portugal
  • City: Lisbon
  • University Hospital de Santa Maria 
  • Centro de Estudos Egas Moniz - University Hospital de Santa Maria
  • Neurology:
          - Dr.ª Carla Cristina Paulo Gabriel Bentes

          - Dra. ANA PERALTA
  • Radiology 
           - Dr. CARLOS MORGADO
  • Psychiatry
  • Psychology
  • Anaesthesiology
One of the girls (A) just had 1 surgery in 2009, the other one  (B) had 2 surgeries with the same team the 2ª surgery was also with the neurosurgeon Dr. ALEXANDRE RAINHA SILVA CAMPOS (1ª surgery around 2000 they had open the head but they were afraid and they did not cut anything, 2ª in 2012 to placed neurostimulators in the head,)
The neurosurgeon Prof. Dr. ANTÓNIO JOSÉ DE CARVALHO GONÇALVES FERREIRA well know: 

Coordinator of the department of investigation

Both girls who had no mental problems besides epilepsy after the epilepsy surgery they were referred to the psychiatry because of behaviour problems one of the girls (A) was suffering with auditory persecution, hearing people making comments on every action of her...they start living in FEAR...
Where they informed of this "Risk" of the surgery by any member of the team? NO!!!! ...

Epileptics  like others were once considered by eugenics "life unworthy of life" !!!!!
In other countries is happening the same and the result is one...Psychiatry... people after the epilepsy surgery complaining of torture, hearing voices in their head...[2]_Calvet_Psychosis_after_epilepsy_surgery.pdf - Psychosis after epilepsy surgery: Report of three cases  - Schizophrenia-like psychosis arising de novo following a temporal lobectomy: timing and risk factors  - Are psychotic symptoms related to vagus nerve stimulation in epilepsy patients? - Vagus nerve stimulation and psychosis. A single case report - Acute psychosis and EEG normalisation after vagus nerve stimulation

"Psychosis after epilepsy surgery: Report of three cases

…Temporal lobe epilepsy surgery has become a successful alternative in patients with refractory epilepsy. However, the outcome of epilepsy surgery may be affected by the occurrence of postsurgical psychiatric symptoms, such as psychosis….

A 46-year-old, right handed woman was admitted to the Epilepsy Center of Ramos Mejía Hospital (ECRMH) with the diagnosis of refractory temporal lobe epilepsy….One month after the intervention,
the patient entered a transitory and moderately depressive state that spontaneously remitted. A year later, she developed ... auditory hallucinations (many voices commenting on her actions) that motivated referral to the emergency department of our hospital.

A 41-year-old, right-handed man was admitted to ECRMH for refractory temporal lobe epilepsy to evaluate the possibility of surgical intervention…Seventy-two hours postsurgery, he developed an acute psychotic episode, characterized by visual and kinetic hallucinations (“the surrounding and the people came over me”), auditory hallucinations (the voice of his neurologist)..."[2]_Calvet_Psychosis_after_epilepsy_surgery.pdf