Saturday 5 October 2013

Hospital Universitário de Santa Maria - Lisbon...

At least two cases have happened, if there are more cases even if regarding other types of surgeries we expect to be disclosed...

Two girls under 30 years whose single health problem regarding the neurologic part was epilepsy.

They had epilepsy for years, medication was not working and they were sent to a epilepsy surgery in the University Hospital de Santa Maria in Lisbon, a affiliated Hospital of the University of Lisbon.

Before the surgery several exams have been developed to attest epilepsy, and the physical and mental health good conditions of patients.
Epilepsy surgery
  • Country: Portugal
  • City: Lisbon
  • University Hospital de Santa Maria 
  • Centro de Estudos Egas Moniz - University Hospital de Santa Maria
  • Neurology:
          - Dr.ª Carla Cristina Paulo Gabriel Bentes

          - Dra. ANA PERALTA
  • Radiology 
           - Dr. CARLOS MORGADO
  • Psychiatry
  • Psychology
  • Anaesthesiology
One of the girls (A) just had 1 surgery in 2009, the other one  (B) had 2 surgeries with the same team the 2ª surgery was also with the neurosurgeon Dr. ALEXANDRE RAINHA SILVA CAMPOS (1ª surgery around 2000 they had open the head but they were afraid and they did not cut anything, 2ª in 2012 to placed neurostimulators in the head,)
The neurosurgeon Prof. Dr. ANTÓNIO JOSÉ DE CARVALHO GONÇALVES FERREIRA well know: 

Coordinator of the department of investigation

Both girls who had no mental problems besides epilepsy after the epilepsy surgery they were referred to the psychiatry because of behaviour problems one of the girls (A) was suffering with auditory persecution, hearing people making comments on every action of her...they start living in FEAR...
Where they informed of this "Risk" of the surgery by any member of the team? NO!!!! ...

Epileptics  like others were once considered by eugenics "life unworthy of life" !!!!!
In other countries is happening the same and the result is one...Psychiatry... people after the epilepsy surgery complaining of torture, hearing voices in their head...[2]_Calvet_Psychosis_after_epilepsy_surgery.pdf - Psychosis after epilepsy surgery: Report of three cases  - Schizophrenia-like psychosis arising de novo following a temporal lobectomy: timing and risk factors  - Are psychotic symptoms related to vagus nerve stimulation in epilepsy patients? - Vagus nerve stimulation and psychosis. A single case report - Acute psychosis and EEG normalisation after vagus nerve stimulation

"Psychosis after epilepsy surgery: Report of three cases

…Temporal lobe epilepsy surgery has become a successful alternative in patients with refractory epilepsy. However, the outcome of epilepsy surgery may be affected by the occurrence of postsurgical psychiatric symptoms, such as psychosis….

A 46-year-old, right handed woman was admitted to the Epilepsy Center of Ramos Mejía Hospital (ECRMH) with the diagnosis of refractory temporal lobe epilepsy….One month after the intervention,
the patient entered a transitory and moderately depressive state that spontaneously remitted. A year later, she developed ... auditory hallucinations (many voices commenting on her actions) that motivated referral to the emergency department of our hospital.

A 41-year-old, right-handed man was admitted to ECRMH for refractory temporal lobe epilepsy to evaluate the possibility of surgical intervention…Seventy-two hours postsurgery, he developed an acute psychotic episode, characterized by visual and kinetic hallucinations (“the surrounding and the people came over me”), auditory hallucinations (the voice of his neurologist)..."[2]_Calvet_Psychosis_after_epilepsy_surgery.pdf

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