Wednesday 24 September 2008

Dr. J. Paul Muizelaar and Dr. Rudolph Schrot...

"Two neurosurgeons from the University of California, Davis have been banned from performing medical research on humans after they allegedly experimented on three patients without university permission...documents that allegedly show the surgeons obtained consent of three terminally ill patients with malignant brain tumours to introduce bacteria into their open head wounds in hopes that it might save their lives...the university has found that two of the three patients developed sepsis and died.
...One of the doctors, J. Paul Muizelaar, 65, holds a prestigious position as chair of the Department of Neurological Surgery. Rudolph Schrot, 44, worked under Muizelaar as an assistant professor and neurosurgeon.
Muizelaar, however, doesn't believe he did anything wrong.
"Muizelaar reportedly said, "there are people who blatantly break the rules that endanger all of their research programs. We certainly didn't blatantly trample any rules."

"In 2008, the doctors proposed treating a glioblastoma patient with bacteria applied to an open wound to "attack the tumor," then later withholding antibiotics and letting the bacteria do its work.
Schrot contacted the FDA but ultimately was cautioned that animal studies were needed first...
And so the doctors continued with preclinical work, arranging for a rat study..."  ...a rat study where at least that we know 2 patients human beings were killed..

 Who are the people that this 
prestigious neurosurgeon with a position as chair of the Department of Neurological Surgery talks when he says "there are people who blatantly break the rules that endanger all of their research programs..." and who are the human guinea pigs of those people...can they be epileptics/people with other type of brain tumours?????

Are the articles about medical research that they said that are made with animals made with human beings??????
Are human beings considered rats by some scientists, rats that they can play with and torture in studies similar to this :
"...Mice are exposed to an electric shock and learn to associate it with a neutral stimulus like the chamber in which they received the shock (contextual fear conditioning) or an auditory tone (cued fear conditioning).Memory is a high level brain function that allows organisms to modify their behaviour...RFID transponders (Datamars SA, Bedano, Switzerland) were injected subcutaneously in the dorso-cervical region under Isoflurane inhalation anesthesia"

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