Thursday 22 September 2005

Dr. Jayant Mukundray Patel

"Jayant Mukundray Patel (born 10 April 1950) is an American surgeon who is at the centre of a 2005 scandal in which he was accused of gross incompetence while working at Bundaberg Base Hospital in Queensland, Australia. In June 2010, Patel was convicted of 3 counts of manslaughter and one case of grievous bodily harm, and sentenced to seven years imprisonment.
...Patel was born in Jamnagar in Gujarat, India. Initially, he studied surgery at the M.P. Shah Medical College at the Saurashtra University, obtaining a master's degree. He then moved to the United States where he received further surgical training at the University of Rochester School of Medicine as a surgical intern and a resident in surgery.
...In 1984 in Buffalo, health officials cited Patel for failing to examine patients before surgery...
...In 1989, Patel moved to the Kaiser Permanente Hospital in Portland, Oregon. Medical staff allege he performed surgery when not rostered to work, operated on other surgeon's patients, operated unnecessarily and caused serious injury and death. In 1998, Kaiser Permanente restricted Patel's practice. He was instructed not to operate on the liver or pancreas and to seek second opinions before performing other surgeries. In September 2000, after reviewing four cases involving the deaths of three patients, the Oregon Board of Medical Examiners made Patel's restriction statewide.
...In 2003, Patel moved to the position of Director of Surgery at the Bundaberg Base Hospital where he was employed by Queensland Health (the state government department of health in Queensland) under an "area of need" program where overseas trained doctors are employed in predominantly regional understaffed areas. He was appointed despite having no specialist surgical qualifications.
...In 2007, he was filmed in Oregon by the Nine Network's current affairs program, 60 Minutes in an investigation by reporter Paul Barry and producer Stephen Rice.
...On 22 November 2006, a magistrate issued a warrant for Patel's arrest and extradition to Australia.He was charged with three charges of manslaughter, five charges of causing grievous bodily harm, four of negligent acts causing harm and eight charges of fraud. He was extradited to Australia on 21 July 2008."

...An independent surgeon, Peter Woodruff, who was asked by Justice Davies to examine Patel's work believes that Patel negligently caused 13 deaths, and possibly up to 17."


Thursday 14 April 2005

Casa Pia Guinea pigs - Oral Medicine/ Neuroscience...

Children who were sexually abused used in renowned dental mercury experiment Lisbon, Portugal ... children wrongly used in a medical mercury experiment at the Casa Pia, an institution already riddled with scandal.
... the atrocities of the Children’s Amalgam Trial (CAT), a U.S.-based dental research project conducted in the U.S. and Portugal with another horrific scandal at the Casa Pia, which numerous NGO’s and scientists are calling the “Children’s Mercury Experiment.”
The CAT was a prospective study implanting children ages 8-10 years old with dental mercury to see if they would sustain neurological or physical damage.
The 11 million dollar study, authorized by Dr. Norman Braverman of the National Institutes of Health, was conducted from 1997-2005 by the University of Washington in conjunction with the University of Lisbon and was funded by U.S. tax dollars through the National Institute of Dental and Cranial Research.
The test subjects included 500 low income and minority children in the U.S. and 500 children at the Casa Pia here in LisbonHalf of the test subjects were implanted with mercury, some receiving up to nineteen mercury fillings.  ...

“The consent forms were misleading and outright bogus. 100 of the orphan’s forms were thought to be signed by the same doctor, who was investigated in the Casa Pia sex scandal in 2002,” says Gallagher, who further claims, “This is a violation of the Nuremberg Code, which prohibits human experimentation without informed consent.”

Sandy Duffy...once stated, “Weighing dental industry economic interests against the unnecessary addition of mercury to the body burden of powerless children is unethical, morally bankrupt and an intentional assault and battery.”
This dental experiment was occurring at the same time that some of these children were involved in the sex scandal....

 Dental associations and government agencies bragged about the Children’s Amalgam Study and reported that there was no harm done,” says injured Consumer Advocate, Freya Koss, Director of the Pennsylvania Coalition for Mercury Free Dentistry.”

"Additionally, Boyd Haley, PhD, chairman of IAOMT's Scientific Advisory Board and Professor Emeritus at the University of Kentucky, found major scientific flaws in the CAT study design and conclusions.
Dr. Olympio Pinto, a dental expert from Brazil interviewed for the Portuguese expose, warned of dental mercury: "The scientific evidence in over 30,000 papers is clear...and we do not need any further findings, needing to submit even animals, let alone humans, to experiments we can anticipate the results of, based on pure science."

Leo Cashman of DAMS, a non-profit that co-submitted the complaint, agreed: "We want justice for the children subjected to corrupt experimentation and an end to the use of toxic mercury fillings."

I wonder if these are the same dentists who receive checks for treatments offered to children and pregnant ... would be a poisoned gift for them ... not knowing what they could expect to be implanted ...