Thursday 15 October 1992

Jack, the fear...

When we think of prostitution this usually comes to mind as being the oldest profession in the world, then why is so hard trying to understand it, make her explicit, clear.
Sex workers, prostitutes as they are more often called are a tribe that has for centuries served as guinea pigs, a scapegoat that many use to exalt their repressed desires that stand out by refinement of malice...
As a guinea pigs their fears are study ...and the research started like this...
Jack the unidentified serial killer who was active in the largely impoverished areas in and around the Whitechapel district of London in 1888... Attacks ascribed to the Ripper typically involved female prostitutes from the slums whose throats were cut prior to abdominal mutilations. The removal of internal organs from at least three of the victims led to proposals that their killer possessed anatomical or surgical knowledge
Eleven separate murders, stretching from 3 April 1888 to 13 February 1891...”
“The concentration of the killings at the weekend, and within a few streets of each other, has indicated to many that the Ripper was employed during the week and lived locally. Others have thought the killer was an educated upper-class man, possibly a doctor or an aristocrat, who ventured into Whitechapel from a more well-to-do area such theories draw on cultural perceptions such as fear of the medical profession, distrust of modern science, or the exploitation of the poor by the rich.”
then this fear was reactivated to study since the end of the war...

Jack the stripper unknown serial killer responsible for what came to be known as the London "nude murders" between 1964 and 1965...”
“He murdered six — possibly eight —prostitutes, whose nude bodies were discovered around London or dumped in the River Thames...”
“Like the Jack the Ripper killings, the Stripper's reign of terror seemed to cease on its own, and there were few solid clues for police to investigate...”

later....decade 90

"Three vice girls from Norwich have now been killed in less than a decade and another is feared dead after vanishing from the city's red light district. Detectives were investigating possible links with the unsolved murder in 1992 of Natalie Pearman, 16, and the disappearance 18 months ago of Kellie Pratt, 29...In January, the body of another Norwich prostitute, Hayley Curtis, 23, was found off the A3 in Hants."


" The Lisbon Ripper...was a serial killer who, between 1992 and 1993 murdered three prostitutes in Lisbon, Portugal."
All the victims were young brunettes named Maria, allegedly prostitutes and drug addicts and were ripped with a sharp object That was not a knife.

There was little or no evidence found on the crime scene: no blood (except from the victims), hair, footprints, fingerprints, or glove material. The police had some suspects, but no evidence against them.”
The first victim...
translation:“Tina was dead, strangled, suffered stab wounds in the chest area, and the killer was removed surgically disemboweled her vagina, heart, intestines and the liver. from police to the coroner savvy, everyone was shocked by the cruelty of the crime, as well as the total absence of traces that could help identify the author of this monstrosity... Portuguese police arrived to investigate a man who had written years before the first crime, a book called The RIPPER LISBON, and narrated crimes committed much like in real life...that would be investigated Luis da Silva Campos(Degree in Chemistry from the Faculty of Science, University of Lisbon where he became professor...)

the other victims suffered the same refinement of malice...

New York

The Long Island Serial Killer is an unidentified suspected serial killer who is believed to have murdered 10 to 14 people associated with the sex trade over the last 15 or so years and dumped their bodies along the Ocean Parkway,...”